Post GGANS Update

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

 Hello Dear Growers!  And Happy Tuesday! 

Thank you for attending the GGANS AGM last Sunday. It was lovely to see you all there. I hope you enjoyed the day and received meaningful and thought provoking information. 

A big thank you to the presenters, industry partners and Acadia University for hosting the event. 

Congrats to Ann-Marie Muttart for taking on the GGANS Presidency; I am sure you will do an excellent job.  

Nova Scotia truly is a special and unique place for grape growing and winemaking, and I am proud to be part of it and help the community in building a sustainable industry. 

During my own presentation, I mentioned a QR code for a survey asking for your input: Please scan it here, answer the quick questions and leave a comment or two. It is much appreciated and will have direct input in my own activity planning for the year. 

Lastly, as we begin this new season, please do make use of the phenology tracking sheet- amend it as you see fit, but I do encourage you to use it. 

I will ask you all to send me your records at the end of the year, so I can compile the data and present it at a future date. If you have not received one on the day, it is available here: PhenologyV3.pdf

I thank you all in advance for your co-operation. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. My details are available at the end of this post and the Perennia website. 

There are two important events coming up in the near future. Please take note, register for each, and I look forward to seeing you there.

Upcoming events:

The Perennia team has been working hard since last November to update the Online Pest Management guide. We have switched from paper to an online version and updated the product list and restrictions to the most current available. Join us as we re-introduce the newly updated version, get your questions answered and start planning for the year ahead. 



Date: 30 April 2025

Time: 1PM 

Theme: Grapevine Trunk Diseases: Causes, Impacts, and Management Techniques

You spoke, and we listened. 

We have invited Dr. José Ramón Úrbez TorresResearch Scientist in Plant Pathology at the Summerland Research Centre in BC who specializes in trunk disease research to speak with us about the topic and provide some much needed insight and advice. 

The link to the event will be out soon. The session is free, online and recorded for future viewing. Sign up details will be provided here- please register as that is the only way to receive the zoom link to the event.

Thank you all for your time, and I look forward to seeing you soon.



Katarina Vucic P.Ag; MSc; DipWSET

Viticulture Specialist
Perennia Food and Agriculture
Office 902-678-7722

Cell 902-599-1390