Principles and techniques for pruning

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Harvest has finished in almost all the varieties, except some vineyards are waiting for ice wine production. Most of the nettings, wailers and fences are out from the vineyard, and in some cases grafted vineyards are hilled or in process. Moreover, many growers are already planning pruning.

At the beginning of this year at ‘From Grapes to Wines: Cool Climate Webinars’ we had the opportunity to host Marco Simonit from SIMONIT& SIRCH in the session ‘Vine Pruning in cool climate viticulture: principles and techniques for good pruning practices in prevention and management of trunk diseases'. In this presentation you can learn more about pruning with a focus on fungal infections and consequences in sap flow on the vines. 

Marco Simonit blended his years of international experience with plenty of photos and didactical approach to explain how to perform a respectful pruning and organize the activities when the time comes.

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