AAFC Bud Hardiness Seventh Report season 22-23

Monday, February 27, 2023

This is the Sixth report of the season from February 22 prepared by Jeff Franklin and Dr. Harrison Wright. You can find the information in the following link:

Presentation at Kentville Research Station about Freeze event and Management Strategies

Friday, February 24, 2023

AAFC and Perennia would like to invite growers and wineries to discuss in person at the Orchard room in Kentville research station about the freeze event, their impacts to vines, considerations for the season and management recommendations.

Post Freeze report: Nova Scotia Wine Grape Initial Impact Assessment

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

At the beginning of February Nova Scotia was widely hit by a freeze event, having some differences in a couple places, and damaging many crops, including grapevines. In the case of vineyards many factors played a role on their damage, such as the historically warm start of winter, and the impact on the bud acclimation, which effected hybrids and Vitis vinifera in different ways.

  • Did you know the difference between winter advective freeze and winter inversion event?
  • Did you know that December 2022 and January 2023 have been the warmest on record?
  • How can the warm temperatures impact bud acclimatation?
  • Which is the bud viability of primary and secondary buds in Vitis vinifera and hybrids?

All this information and more can be found in the following article.

Please check February 3 - 4, 2023 Post Freeze Report: Nova Scotia Wine Grape Initial Impact Assessment or the hyperlink https://www.perennia.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Feb-2023-Wine-grape-post-freeze-report_AAFC-Perennia_21Feb2023.pdf

Vineyard trial results and freeze event

Friday, February 17, 2023

The last two years we have carried out trials related to crop load and foliar nutrient applications, and de-leafing the fruit zones in L’Acadie blanc and two Vitis vinifera (Chardonnay and Pinot noir respectively). Already these results have been presented through Best Practices sessions and now it’s the opportunity to wrap up the trials and show the main observations until now.

Moreover, after the freeze event at the beginning of February many questions are appearing about how this impacted vines, differences between varieties and what to do now. This is the opportunity to see what has been collected until now, how to proceed with bud assessment in case you haven’t proceeded with that and general management practices for now.

All this information will be presented by Francisco Diez, Viticulture Specialist, next Wednesday February 22 at 12 pm through a Zoom webinar session. Registration is required, please see the following link or try the hyperlink: https://perennia.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xLRjkTaOSFez3bYnIOc_Bw

Evaluating winter damage

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Last weekend the climatic conditions were quite tough throughout the province, which have impacted many crops and vineyards are not the exception. Throughout winter AAFC is sharing bud hardiness reports to show the acclimatation of buds in hybrids and Vitis vinifera varieties, information that helps to decide pruning decisions depending on varieties. Unfortunately, last weekend's event was quite cold and stayed for many hours, increasing the potential damage.

We had a similar event last year, which impacted different varieties and locations in the province. At this time the cold event impacted broadly, it might be possible to find areas with lower or higher temperatures. Regardless of the variety, it’s important to assess the vineyard before taking further decisions.

As mentioned, bud survival depends on many factors, such as variety, location, vine health and age, management practices, crop level, etc. For more information on bud hardiness, please take a look to the last AAFC Bud Hardiness Sixth Report or check the following link http://www.novascotiagrapeblog.com/2023/02/aafc-bud-hardiness-sixth-report-season.html

AAFC Bud Hardiness Sixth Report season 22-23

Thursday, February 2, 2023

This is the Sixth report of the season from January 30 and 31 prepared by Jeff Franklin and Dr. Harrison Wright. You can find the information in the following link:

Product Registration Changes Impacting Horticulture and Field Crops: Q&A with Perennia Specialists

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Every year, crop production is impacted when pesticide products are cancelled or when labels are updated to include amendments to use patterns. Join us to learn updates from our team of Perennia specialists who are here to support you in the horticulture and field crops sectors.

The focal crops during the session are apples, grapes, wild blueberries, cranberries, vegetables, berries, cannabis and field crops. Each specialist will bring information on products that are relevant to their sector. In this conversational-style webinar, we’ll answer frequently asked questions and live questions that you submit.

Pesticide points will be available for this session! Product Registration Changes Impacting Horticulture and Field Crops is NS Environment course T2253 and is worth 1.0 points in General Information. You must attend the entire session to receive points.

*Registration is required: https://perennia.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_X8E5eYf0S2erG6Pj5Oj_jQ

Cost: Free